Give Structure to Your Financial Well-being
At Legacy Settlements Group, we know the difference a well-planned structured settlement can make for someone going through the difficulty of legal action, because we’re also former practicing attorneys. Our specialty is working with plaintiff attorneys and their clients, including minors, families, adults and individuals with disabilities. Few other structured settlement firms offer that level of firsthand knowledge and experience in the litigation trenches.
Once your final settlement plan design is selected, we’ll work with you to break the plan into a series of mini-structures. We identify the life insurance companies that offer the highest rate of return for each mini-structure then assemble them into the final structured plan. The result guarantees the best possible payment outcome, period.
The Legacy Settlements team ensures that the plaintiff is in control of the structure process from start to finish and our goals for you are simple:

To pick the right structure solution for your needs.

Take clear steps to maximize the payout.

Make sure the plan is placed with only the highest rated life companies.
Show your colleagues the Legacy Settlements difference. Watch online or Request our free interactive CD, featuring one of our informative Legacy client case studies.
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